The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) administers a variety of in-house and national surveys to the Berklee community. Past surveys and their results can be found in the Browse Surveys page. If you are interested in conducting a survey, please visit our Survey Guidelines and Using Qualtrics at Berklee pages.
Survey Resources
Browse All Surveys, Results, and Distribution Schedules
Berklee students, faculty, staff, and alumni are given the opportunity to share their experiences and opinions with the institution. This includes feedback on courses, programs, campus climate, and satisfaction.
Berklee Course Survey Information
Each semester, students have the opportunity to provide feedback on Berklee classes and instructors by completing course surveys.
Survey Policies, Best Practices, and Support
Resources for anyone in the Berklee community interested in creating a survey project.
How to Use Qualtrics at Berklee
Everyone at Berklee has access to our institutional Qualtrics license. Start here to learn how to access your account and begin building and sharing surveys in Qualtrics.
Database of Survey Questions
Search our database of questions asked in surveys administered to the Berklee community to find out if data already exists for your area of interest.