Facilitation for Team Development

Members of the Human Resources team, in collaboration with our external partners, provide skilled facilitation to advance team success and satisfaction.
Advancing Initiatives and Goals and Managing Change
Teams work diligently to advance Berklee strategy, initiatives, division goals, and their roles. Through careful facilitation techniques, we can help teams get clear and committed to the outcomes that will make the biggest difference for the team and Berklee. This work may be done in an off-site retreat, an on-campus workshop, and/or through devoted time at a regular team meeting. In partnership with the leader of the area, and with input from the team, we can provide effective facilitated sessions to meet your area needs. Please contact your HR partner for more information about our network of skilled facilitators.
Building Work Relationships and Individual and Team Insights
Understanding staff members as individuals, and contextualizing their unique attributes, strengths, and motivations is essential to overall team success. Deep knowledge of a team member’s work styles can help create a positive and productive working relationship. The most valuable part of an assessment/insight process is seeing how teams can map each staff member’s strengths to the actual work of the department. Certified skilled assessment facilitators can administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality inventory, DISC, or other successful assessment tools. Please contact your HR partner to explore how assessment tools may benefit your team.