Housing Portal Guide

Your Berklee Housing Portal is the place to go for all things related to on campus housing. In your portal, you can: 

  • Fill out housing applications
  • Submit your housing preferences
  • Find your assignment and roommate information
  • Request a room change 
  • Request a reduced meal plan 
  • Submit your Spring Intention Form
  • Select your room (Continuing Students Only)

View the guides below for instructions on how to navigate your Housing Portal with ease. 

Preference Form 

Students who are confirmed for on campus housing will receive instructions via email on how to access and fill out their preference form, along with opening and closing dates for submissions. You can view a video walkthrough of the preference process here

Please note that our office is unable to accept requests via email. The timing of your preference form completion does not impact your ability to get your top choices, as there are a number of factors that go into placements. 

If you are a student with an accommodation through Accessibility Resources, you will be assigned by our team. If you are approved for an  accommodation that does not involve a single room, you can still select roommate(s) who you would like to be assigned with. 

Continuing Student Room Selection

Continuing students who are confirmed for housing have the option to pick their own room. 

If you are a continuing student with a single room accommodation through Accessibility Resources for Students, you do not need to select your room through this process, and will be assigned by our team. 

Frequently Asked Questions (Room Selection)

Rooms available to continuing students are spread across campus, and are available in each residence hall. A majority of spaces will be located in 12 Hemenway, which opened in January 2024.