Your Berklee Housing Portal is the place to go for all things related to on campus housing. In your portal, you can:
- Fill out housing applications
- Submit your housing preferences
- Find your assignment and roommate information
- Request a room change
- Request a reduced meal plan
- Submit your Spring Intention Form
- Select your room (Continuing Students Only)
View the guides below for instructions on how to navigate your Housing Portal with ease.
Preference Form
Students who are confirmed for on campus housing will receive instructions via email on how to access and fill out their preference form, along with opening and closing dates for submissions. You can view a video walkthrough of the preference process here.
Please note that our office is unable to accept requests via email. The timing of your preference form completion does not impact your ability to get your top choices, as there are a number of factors that go into placements.
If you are a student with an accommodation through Accessibility Resources, you will be assigned by our team. If you are approved for an accommodation that does not involve a single room, you can still select roommate(s) who you would like to be assigned with.
Step 1: Confirm Personal Details
On your Personal Details page, you will be asked to review information that has been auto-populated from your student account. If any of the information is incorrect, such as your date of birth or name, you should reach out to OneStop Student Services in order to have it updated.
Students interested in updating their preferred name, gender identity, and gender pronouns can read more about those steps here.
Step 2: LLCs & Themed Community Interest
Living Learning Communities (LLCs) and Themed Communities are residential communities within our halls that build connections between a student's experiences both within and beyond the classroom. You can read more about our current offerings here.
You will be asked to rank your top LLC or Themed Community choices, or indicate that you are not interested in these communities. If you request someone to live with, please make sure your LLC or Themed Community choices are the same
Step 3: Assignment Preferences
On your Assignment Preferences page, you will be asked to list six preferences that include building and room type.
Boston Conservatory at Berklee: It is important to note that entering Boston Conservatory at Berklee students are housing in the Fenway and 98 Hemenway St. residence halls.
Upper Semester Students: 12 Hemenway St. is an upper semester–only residence hall for students in their second semester or more at Berklee.
Single Rooms: Single rooms are reserved for students with accommodations through Accessibility Resources for Students. If approved for a single room, you will be administratively assigned by our housing team based on your accommodation.
Step 4: Roommate Matching Questionnaire
Your next step is to fill out a questionnaire that will help you to match with other students who are similar to you. You will be asked about cleanliness, bed times, guests, and other key aspects of living with other people. It is important to answer honestly. If you do not select roommate(s) but are placed in a room that is not a single, our office will use these questions to pair you with other students.
You will also be asked to write a short paragraph about yourself that will be viewable to other students. You may want to include information such as your principle instrument, program of student, favorite music, hobbies, etc. For example:
My name is Megan and I am a first-semester student from Phoenix, Arizona. My principal instrument is drums. I love listening to metal, playing board games, and watching scary movies.
Step 5: Roommate Selection
You have the option to choose roommate(s) or be randomly paired with other students. Note that pairing yourself with only one student does not guarantee that you will be placed in a double room. You may be placed in a triple room with a random third roommate.
Know who you want to live with?
- Create Group: Use this if you already know one or more people you would like to live with. Have one person create a group. They will be designated as the group leader. Once one person has created a group, the other(s) can join.
- Join Group: Use this to join a group that has already been made.
- Search for Roommate by Details: Search for a specific person by their ID number or Berklee email.
Don't know who you want to live with yet?
- Suggest Roommates: View a list of students with whom you are most compatible. Please note that profiles of other students will only become available for you to view once they have completed them.
- No Roommate Preference: If you do not wish to select roommate(s) and would instead like our office to place you with one or more people, you can click the "Continue" button below. If you have an approved accommodation for a single through Accessibility Resources, you should not choose roommates.
Continuing Student Room Selection
Continuing students who are confirmed for housing have the option to pick their own room.
If you are a continuing student with a single room accommodation through Accessibility Resources for Students, you do not need to select your room through this process, and will be assigned by our team.
Step 1: Find your assigned time slot
You have been randomly assigned a date and time that serves as the earliest you are able to access the room selection page. To locate your assigned time slot:
- Log in to your housing portal
- Click Academic Year Application
- Click Continue
- Select Room Selection Overview from the menu on the left
- View your assigned time slot
Once your time slot has passed, you will be able to continue past the Room Selection Overview page. If you have roommate(s) who you have paired with in your housing portal, the person in your group with the earliest time slot should select your room.
Step 2: View available spaces
You will be able to view an inventory of available rooms. Be sure to select Show Room Info before selecting a room to get more information on the space including current residents, and whether or not this room is part of a Living Learning Community or Themed Community.
Step 3: Select your room
When you are ready to select a room, click Add to Cart. You will be asked to assign yourself a bed, as well as anyone else in your roommate group. Please note that bed space letter is not connected to any specific bed in the room, but is for record keeping.
Step 4: Finalize your booking
Your confirmation page will show you a reminder of the room(s) you selected. Click Book Room in order to finalize your selection.
Frequently Asked Questions (Room Selection)
Rooms available to continuing students are spread across campus, and are available in each residence hall. A majority of spaces will be located in 12 Hemenway, which opened in January 2024.
The room I want is in an LLC I'm not interested in.
If a room you are interested in is part of an LLC or Themed Community that you are not interested in, please select another room. You can reach about our LLCs and Themed Communities
I have having problems selecting a room.
If you run into any issues, please contact our office via phone or email so that we may assist.
Do I have to pick a room?
No, you do not have to participate. If you do not select a room by the preference form closing date, you will be assigned by our team.