MIND Neurodiversity Program

As part of Accessibility Resources for Students (ARS), the Mental, Invisible, and Neurodivergence-based Disabilities (MIND) Neurodiversity Program's mission is to make Berklee a more welcoming environment for neurodivergent individuals, such as autistic students*, students with ADHD, dyslexic students, and students with similar lived experiences of neurodivergence, by celebrating and promoting neurodiversity throughout our community. 

To fulfill this mission, the MIND Neurodiversity Program provides the following services at Berklee:

  • A Neurodivergent Pre-Orientation for new students starting in the fall semester
  • Community events such as socials, game nights, group lunches, and study sessions
  • Customized training for faculty, staff, and other members of the campus community 
  • Individualized meetings and advising for neurodivergent students 
  • Resource development and recommendations 

For more information about the MIND Neurodiversity Program, please reach out to MIND@berklee.edu or call Accessibility Resources for Students at 617-747-2387.

*Some neurodivergent people prefer identify-first language (e.g., autistic person), while others prefer person-first language (e.g., person with autism). We use a mix of both in recognition of this fact and to make space for a wide variety of neurodivergent individuals.