Cultural and Religious Observances

The academic year is filled with important dates celebrated by different religious, spiritual communities. Please keep in mind these observances and be mindful of Berklee’s policies and accommodations available for students, faculty, and staff so that individuals who want to observe a religious holiday can do so without any issues.

While individuals are expected to meet their class and work obligations, accommodations can be requested proactively. Faculty and staff who wish to observe a religious holiday should discuss possible accommodations with their supervisor. Students should discuss possible accommodations with their faculty regarding absences from class or to discuss adjustments for exams and assignments.

We compiled a list of holidays (including cultural and affinity based celebrations) to help Berklee staff, faculty, and students with calendar planning, being proactive in requesting accommodations, and providing support for those practicing their beliefs and celebrating their cultures.

Cultural Observances

Religious Observances

Browse Calendars of Interest

To add holidays and observances to your Google calendar, follow these instructions:

  • Log in to Google Calendars.
  • On the lower left-hand side of the screen, click on the downward-facing triangle next to "Other Calendars." 
  • Click on "Browse Interesting Calendars."
  • On the next screen, click on "Subscribe" next to the holidays you want displayed on your calendar.
  • Click "<< Back to calendar" near the top of the page next to Interesting Calendars.
  • Beneath "Other Calendars," scroll to the holiday calendars you subscribed to to ensure that a color square appears next to it. Click on it if the color square appears empty to subscribe and have the holidays appear in your calendar.