Kevin Figueiredo

Senior Director of Student Services and Systems

Kevin Figueiredo joined Berklee in 2016 as an academic advisor with Berklee Online, where he recruited, guided, and advised, and was an advocate for thousands of students as they pursued their education. He currently oversees One Stop Student Services and Admissions Services, helping guide both teams to ensure students have the best possible experience throughout their entire time at Berklee. Figueiredo's areas of expertise include federal financial aid, recruitment, billing, advising, and registration. His true passion is in helping students achieve their full artistic potential so they can make a positive impact on the world.

His background is in music, being a musician his entire life and is an avid fan of melodic death metal, EDM, synthwave, and hard rock music. He also has a passion for and has studied film, with Requiem for a Dream, The Godfather, and Boogie Nights among his favorites.

In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, physical fitness, and playing video games.