Celebrating and Supporting Artists Within the Queer Community

Our support of the community members within the LGBTQ+ community persists beyond Pride Month, as the work of bringing about a more socially just society continues. In reflecting on the past and future justice work of the LGBTQ+ community, Sam Brinton, vice president of advocacy and government Affairs at the Trevor Project, said, “I remind folks that while we may be facing this current political wave, trans women of color were at Stonewall. We have been doing this for decades. What gives me a little bit of hope is that my trans ancestors have fought these fights before. We have won in the past. There will always be discrimination coming toward us, and our job is just to hold the barricade, to make sure we don’t give ground and keep protecting our own.”

Diversity and Inclusion has compiled a list of resources, below, in support of “holding the barricade” and for ongoing learning, dialogue, and engagement. 

Resources on intersectionality, trans injustice, and social activism: 

Ways to actively support members of the LGBTQ+ community: 

Mental health support for members of the LGBTQ+ community:

Interact with the below resources to learn how some artists are using their platforms in support of LGBTQ+ community members: