Music Business Journal: A Far Reaching Copyright Change in Brazil

Lawmakers in Brazil conduct a public consultation to reform their country's copyright law.
October 28, 2010

Last year, Brazil was rated the 11th top country in recorded music sales. It was responsible for a significant rise in overall music sales, a claim that few countries, if any, can make. In addition, it is one of the fastest and largest growing emerging markets, classed under the BRICI umbrella of outstanding performers (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Indonesia). It is the most populated country in Latin America, and in this regard dwarfs Mexico, its nearest rival. The future looks bright for Brazil, who will also host the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016.

Recently, Brazil conducted a public consultation about a bill to reform the actual copyright law proposed by the Ministry of Culture (MOC). The Ministry is working on a final report that should be sent to the new president elect on October 31 for analysis. The major role of the bill is to strengthen and balance author's rights, along with a constitutional guarantee of free access to culture. In addition, the bill promises to make concession to modern forms of distribution....

Read more about Brazil's copyright change in Berklee's Music Business Journal.