Books and Speeches by Black Scholars, Activists, and Change Agents

“You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.”

—Malcolm X

As a follow-up to the resources provided in our commitment to inclusion, this document serves as a fluid resource that encompasses some but not all of the countless Black authors who have published works on Black life, history, culture, and pride. This list is nonexhaustive in terms of both the works published by listed authors and the number of authors included. For example, while Martin Luther King’s radical call to action Why We Can’t Wait appears below, his doctoral dissertation on agape love nor John Hope Franklin’s seminal text From Slavery to Freedom: A History of African Americans are included. The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion champions the many voices of the Black community. Therefore, it is important to note that nonincluded works are equally worthy, valued, and incredible resources that have contributed to the articulation of the Black experience. 

Please use these resources and those previously recommended as a starting place and tool for self-education and exploration as you begin or continue in your journey. Scholarly categories appear in bold. 

We hope that you continue to have conversations online and, when able, in person with your families, friends, and fellow Berklee community members. Most importantly, we hope that you leave space for some challenging yet needed conversations.

—The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  

On Black Life and Survival

In the Spirit of Black Womanhood  

Black Women Activists and Strategists of the Movement

Black Boy Joy

Celebrating Race-Conscious Teaching

Black History Is American History

Let’s Talk About Racism

Racism and the Law

Black Life as Disposable

Talks by Black Activists for Social Change