Professional Development Coaching

Course Number

As students complete their studies and transition to the professional world, it is important for them to assess and develop their short- and long-term goals, as well as to put in place an action plan to reach these goals. This plan requires students to reflect upon their unique proposition and to develop their personal brand. What will they offer the world and how do they develop and present that offering? Students learn to cultivate an active mindset and take responsibility for creating and pursuing opportunities for themselves. Through seminar-style discussions, peer group work, individual reflection and writing, role-playing, and individual mentoring and coaching, students come to understand their competitive value; to optimize their professional presentation; to identify their core values and explore how these values relate to their career choices; to define their strategies and next steps; and to develop as networkers, interviewers and professionals.

Written approval of program director
Required Of
None; elective course in GEMB
Electable By
GEMB graduate students
Semesters Offered
Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Chair
Emilien Moyon
Courses may not be offered at the listed locations or taught by the listed faculty for every semester. Consult to find course information for a specific semester.