Berklee Hub / Connect Support

Support for Berklee Hub, which includes Berklee Connect, our student and alumni directory.

Correct issues with your Berklee Connect profile

Certain areas of your Berklee Connect profile are part of your official record. Request a change through the appropriate official channel:

Name, Gender Identity, or Gender Pronouns: Request a change.

Degree or Program: 

For other issues, use the form below. 

Reactivate your Berklee Connect profile

Does your Berklee Connect profile appear disabled, although you are able to log in? You may have asked Berklee not to contact you, or not to use your contact information in any public directory. If so, you'll need to change this setting though official channels:

Alumni can contact
Students can contact
Berklee Online students or alumni can contact

Other Requests, Questions, or Feedback

Please submit the form, below.

If we deactivate your Hub account and profile, you will no longer be able to use Berklee Connect to search for others, nor will you receive notifications via your Berklee Hub digests.

You can do this yourself, if you'd like. Edit the contact block on your profile to opt out of the "Allow members to send me emails..." feature. You will still be able to search the directory for other alumni and students, but you will no longer be able to contact them through Berklee Connect.

We will restore your Hub account and Berklee Connect profile. If you have any special directions, let us know.

Only Alumni can opt to change their e-mail address. Current students must use their e-mail address. If you select this option, this form will be sent to

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