2023–2024 Presidential Cabinet Priorities

During this academic year, Interim President and Provost David Bogen, Interim Executive Vice President and Senior Vice President of Student Enrollment and Engagement Betsy Newman, and the President’s Cabinet are committed to the following set of institutional priorities. A major area of focus will be the development of our mission, vision, and strategic plan, closely followed by the essential work of addressing critical space, technology, and infrastructure needs; nurturing community engagement and organizational capacity; and attending to foundational programmatic priorities. 

1. We will build community, engagement, and organizational capacity. 

We will foster authentic and impactful engagement that taps into the collective expertise of our community and ensures that all stakeholders have access to meaningful conversations and the sharing of ideas about the institution's future. We will implement strategic hires to restore organizational capacity across a range of critical functions. We will revamp our communications and marketing strategy and organization, enabling us to comprehensively convey our new mission, vision, and strategic plan and utilize broad and targeted approaches to reach existing and new audiences. Throughout the execution of these initiatives, we will prioritize advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, by committing resources to develop and enhance these areas of critical importance to the future of Berklee.

2. We will create a new unified mission, vision, and strategic plan.

We are engaging in a process to shape a shared mission, vision, and strategic plan to advance our institution’s goals and pave a transformative path forward for Berklee. Through this effort, we will respect the unique attributes of each learning environment while strengthening our identity as an innovative and collaborative force within music and the performing arts. Planning will occur in two distinct phases, each designed to guide us toward our shared vision for 2030. Phase one, from 2024 to 2026, will prioritize the needs and objectives of Berklee’s existing campuses and operations. This two-year period will provide a strong foundation for the second four-year phase, 2026 to 2030, which will be dedicated to launching key initiatives and transformative projects. All of this work will be anchored in our fundamental values. We will use this two-plus-four approach to connect the work of attending to our most pressing current needs with our aspirational future, positioning us to shape the arts education landscape for the generations to come.

3. We will provide resources for the most impactful and foundational infrastructure needs.

We will build robust operational, technology, and capital planning processes that align with and realize institutional priorities. A pivotal step toward this goal is the initiation of a comprehensive space utilization study, which will serve as the cornerstone for the Boston campus master plan. In recognition of immediate program needs, we will launch capital projects in Boston, Valencia, and New York City. We will intensify efforts and allocate resources for enterprise, academic technology, data, and security projects. We will launch an ongoing update and refresh of the network, classroom and studio computers, academic equipment, and instruments. We will continue to optimize Workday finance, enhancing its budgeting, reporting, and analytic capabilities, as well as accelerate our work on the implementation of a unified student information system (SIS). We are dedicated to innovation that extends to physical and virtual learning environments as we actively seek alignment and innovation across these realms, ensuring a holistic and forward-looking approach to education.

4. We will address the most critical foundational programmatic priorities. 

We will actively define educational pathways across various learning environments.  Recommitting to the Boston Conservatory at Berklee Strategic Direction, we will focus on realizing the merger's full potential. We will launch a working group within the Academic Leadership Council to review major areas of the curriculum, including the college's undergraduate core, and implement Africana Studies programs concentrating on B.M. and B.A. degree offerings. Enrollment planning will continue to align with current academic, financial, space, and legal realities and prioritize need-based financial aid that will advance recruitment and retention efforts. The Admissions Innovation Project (AIP) and Student Experience Innovation Plan (SEIP) will be implemented to enhance the student experience through the newly launched Berklee Bridge. Pre-College, Online, and Professional Programs (POPP) initiatives will expand reach, grow revenue, and enhance services and outcomes. Priorities for International Learning Environments (ILE) will integrate with timelines and goals of the new strategic planning process.