
Diversity and Inclusion Signature Programming Series

This series consists of a variety of educational and social programming initiatives around a core theme. The programs offered through the series build community and provide learning opportunities for members across Berklee, such as the Martin Luther King and Black History Month series.

Topical Diversity and Inclusion Programs

The Diversity and Inclusion team offers programs throughout the year that build awareness and understanding of diverse backgrounds, identities, and life experiences. Through our programs, current as well as historical perspectives are presented, as are diversity and inclusion topics that reflect the performing arts industries and the general culture. A sample of these offerings includes, but is not limited to, Hispanic Heritage Month, LGBTQ+ History Month, Native American History Month, and Jewish Heritage Month.

Community Connections and Affinity Spaces

The Diversity and Inclusion team works to create spaces in which members of the Berklee community can connect with and be in community with each other, within and across identities. Throughout the year, several community programs are offered, allowing underrepresented members of our community to gather together for mutual support and to connect with allies. Examples include the Sisterhood Circle; the Brotherhood Gathering; identity socials for new students; the Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Fall Open House; the Jabulani and Lavender commencement celebrations; and Community Sings.