Asian Americans in Music and Entertainment (AAiME)

Founded in 2018

AAiME was founded in 2018, and has been an existing club for more than five years.


Asian Americans in Music and Entertainment is a community which actively connects Berklee students with leaders in the AAPI music industry, grants opportunities for artist growth and professional development, and fosters networks that exceed after Berklee. Our community is structured to give our members the tools to succeed and thrive in their artistic aspirations.

Notable Club Moments

Legendary Events: AAiME Caf Show, AAIME Boba Night, AAiME Holiday Market Trip, AAiME Artist Development Workshop, AAiME Karaoke Night, AAiME Mentorship Program, AAiME Tiny Desk.

Awards: Club of the Year 2019 from the Best of Berklee Awards

Follow us: @aaimeberklee

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